PiLA Blog

PiLA Application Portal is Now Live: Apply Today for the 2025-2026 Fellowship Cohort!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

PiLA Application Portal is Now Live: Apply Today for the 2025-2026 Fellowship Cohort!

(August 26, 2024)

We are excited to announce that the Princeton in Latin America (PiLA) application portal is officially open! We are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 fellowship cohort. If you’re passionate about contributing to organizations making a difference in Latin America and are eager to embark on a transformative journey of service and professional growth, this is your opportunity to join a dynamic and impactful program.

Introducing the PiLA Book Club: Join Us for an Inspiring Journey with Solito: A Memoir by Javier Zamora!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

(July 18, 2024) We are excited to introduce a new initiative that brings together our passionate and diverse community in a unique and enriching way – the PiLA Book Club! This book club aims to foster a deeper understanding of the cultural, social, and historical contexts of the regions we serve, while also providing a platform for meaningful discussion and connection among our members.

Haley Anderson joins PiLA as Executive Director

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

(June 3, 2024).  The board of Princetin in Latin America is pleased to announce the appointment of Haley Anderson as PiLA’s new full-time Executive Director effective immediately.  Haley has supported PiLA as a consultant during our relaunch, helping to evaluate and interview candidates for the 2024/25 cohort and managing our orientation program.  She holds a PhD in non-profit management from Northern Arizona State University and spent the past year as a visiting scholar at Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs.  She previously served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Nicaragua

Spring 2024 Update: PiLA Welcomes its 2024/25 Cohort

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

(April 15, 2024) Princeton in Latin America is pleased to announce our 2024/25 cohort of fellows, the first since operations were suspended during the Covid pandemic.  This year’s cohort will include 14 fellows who will be working with 6 host organizations in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Mexico.

SUMMER 2023 UPDATE: PiLA Relaunch

David A
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

To the PiLA Community:

We are happy to announce that Princeton in Latin America (PiLA), after a period of dormancy due to the global pandemic, is planning to reopen its doors to continue its mission to provide recent college graduates with service experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to advance the socioeconomic development objectives of partner organizations throughout the region.  We hope to count on your continued su

Introducing Princeton in Latin America Fellows, 2021-2022

Annie L.
Thursday, September 9, 2021


It's hard to believe our remote 2020-2021 Fellows have all finished their placements and that we're moving on to a brand new cycle of remote PiLA experiences! We're excited to be working again with partner organizations Endeavor Mexico, EARTH University, and Partners for Andean Community Health (PACH); all of whom hosted remote PiLA Fellows last year.

Measuring Impact in Ecuador: A PiLA Fellowship During COVID-19

Katherine Kemp
Monday, May 3, 2021

When I applied to Princeton in Latin America, I fully expected to be sent off to a remote community somewhere in Latin America. I was already preparing for exciting new foods, the embarrassing moments that naturally result from being a foreigner in a new culture, and most importantly, learning about international development at the local level.


2021 PiLA Speaker Series

Annie L.
Thursday, February 18, 2021

We're excited to present PiLA's first virtual Speaker Series!

Please join us for Conversations with PiLA Partners, Fellows, and Friends.

Introducing Princeton in Latin America Fellows, 2020-2021

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

We are thrilled to share with the PiLA Family that all our new PiLA Fellows have started their placements!

It’s been a whirlwind year for PiLA and for our valued partner organizations, but also for our program finalists for the 2020-21 fellowship year.

The Power of a Desk Job in Rural Patzún

Emily Nagler
Friday, February 14, 2020

Although I'm less than halfway through my PiLA fellowship -- five months and one day to be exact -- I feel like I've become a member of both the community of Patzún, Guatemala and my host organization, the Women's Justice Initiative (WJI). To my surprise, it took only a few weeks for me to feel welcomed and settled as a member of the team, despite all the barriers I had created in my mind.

2019-2020 Fellow Updates

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The PiLA Team is happy to report that all of our 2019-2020 PiLA Fellows have started their fellowship adventures!

The Machismo Meter

Emma Soglin
Saturday, December 22, 2018

When I received news a year and a half ago that I had been accepted as the PiLA fellow at the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, I felt a massive rush of conflicting emotions. I was ecstatic about the new opportunity, hopeful that I would learn and grow, but at the same time very scared to be doing this alone, as the only Princeton fellow in San José, Costa Rica.

Wrong Jose: Outreach and Community in the Dominican Republic

Pranayeta Shroff
Friday, December 14, 2018

I realized I was in love with the Dominican Republic while I was waiting on the side of a street making googly eyes at a baby and the parents, amused and unafraid, offered me the child to hold and a chair to sit on. The love took a while to hit. From the start, living in the DR and working at the education and community development organization The DREAM Project inspired and pushed me.

Living and Working in Villa el Salvador

Friday, November 16, 2018

I always struggle trying to describe my work to my family and friends. While my official title is “Leadership Director,” and while my contract dictates that my primary responsibility is directing our Voices of Youth, our youth leadership program, that is far from what I do.

Mexico City Earthquake: A Retrospect

Annie Austin, PiLA Fellow 2016-2018, Endeavor Mexico City
Thursday, September 20, 2018

According to legend, the Aztecs determined where to permanently settle based on a sign from the gods: an eagle, eating a snake, perched on a cactus.  As they navigated the land that is today Mexico City, the eagle, eating a snake, on a cactus, sat on a tiny island surrounded by a massive lake. Recognizing the sign from the gods, the Aztecs expanded the island to make it habitable, filling the water with soil and sand.

PiLA en Washington D.C.

Lizabelt Avila and Claudia Lievano
Monday, September 17, 2018

When we applied to Princeton in Latin America, we envisioned ourselves in remote pueblos (towns), learning from la comunidad (community), and giving back to a region we deeply love and feel connected to in profound ways. To our surprise, we chose placements far closer to the U.S capital than we imagined, and we are actively supporting Latin America from the Worldwide Office of The Nature Conservancy (TNC).

You’re a good friend. Eres una buena amiga. At jun kilaj wixbil.

Tatiana Dalton and Alex Northrop
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Whatever language we use to describe them, relationships are central to a sense of community and personal well-being. Reflecting on our first months at Pueblo a Pueblo, we find that friendships and partnerships are also important to our work here in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala.

One month at ADISA

Monday, August 6, 2018

Having wrapped up my first month at Adisa, I am inclined to reflect more carefully on my experience to date. While in many ways I still feel like I’m adjusting and figuring things out, I’m also surprised by how much I’ve already learned. I might still not know how to navigate all the callejones of Santiago without getting lost but I do know where to buy my avocados, how to introduce myself in Tz’utujil, and how to give a fairly informative tour of Adisa.

Introducing Princeton in Latin America Fellows, 2018-19

Sarah Town
Friday, July 20, 2018

We are glad to introduce the 2018-19 cohort of PiLA Fellows! This diverse, dedicated, and talented group of 31 young professionals will be making significant contributions to socially responsible development work with 16 partners based throughout the Americas addressing issues such as accessibility/ inclusion, community health, conservation, education, and girls’ and women’s economic empowerment. You can see bios for the current year’s cohort here