Haley Anderson joins PiLA as Executive Director

(June 3, 2024).  The board of Princetin in Latin America is pleased to announce the appointment of Haley Anderson as PiLA’s new full-time Executive Director effective immediately.  Haley has supported PiLA as a consultant during our relaunch, helping to evaluate and interview candidates for the 2024/25 cohort and managing our orientation program.  She holds a PhD in non-profit management from Northern Arizona State University and spent the past year as a visiting scholar at Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs.  She previously served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Nicaragua.  

“We’re thrilled to have Haley join the PiLA team and look forward to her contributions as we rebuild the PiLA organization,” said PiLA board president David Wachtel.  “Her administrative insight, presence on the Princeton campus, and familiarity with the region will be a great benefit to our fellows, candidates and partner organizations.”

Haley will be based at the PiLA office in the Louis Simpson building at Princeton University and continue to rely on the support of Zuly Ortiz Winkler, PiLA’s part-time program director.  Zuly will be focusing on developing new partnerships for PiLA and the organization’s expansion into new countries for our 2025/26 cohort.

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