I’m considering various opportunities for next year. If I receive an offer from a PiLA partner, but haven’t yet heard from another opportunity (e.g. Fullbright), can I have extra time to consider my offer?

PiLA offers a highly competitive fellowship and expects applicants to be pursuing various opportunities. PiLA cannot guarantee placements to finalists, although we make our best effort to facilitate interviews with partners for all finalists who continue in the process. Similarly, we expect full transparency from applicants regarding other options they may be pursuing and their evolving plans. We are available to talk over options with finalists at any point, and we support their decisions to accept or decline offers, or to leave the process altogether, equally. PiLA’s program works best when all parties enter into their commitments with knowledge and willingness.

When a partner does make an offer to a finalist, the finalist has one week to consider the offer before responding. It is necessary to maintain this predictable rhythm so that all partners can find ideal placements and all finalists can have closure with the process in a timely fashion. PiLA offers and opportunities may come before or after others that you are considering; therefore it is important to be clear about your priorities and to take the time available within the existing parameters to consider your options carefully before making a decision.